Friday, November 13, 2009

Do you think the media are to blame for many of our social problem?

What do you think? This is a very broad question as I'm eager to hear answers from all angles. I was going to give specific example e.g. lack of blacks in the media/their portrayal, American cultures (hip hop, metal, etc), but then the question grew very long!

Do you think the media are to blame for problems such as how certain socioeconomic groups are seen, how certain racial groups are seen, women, etc...?

Do you think the media are to blame for many of our social problem?
a part of it, we can blame to the media... but it is one's personal and own decision if can we allow ourselves to be affected by the media. if we have many problems, it only means that we cannot see things at all angles and we have to consider more of it... :D
Reply:very much so
Reply:YES. I would like to elaborate but I'm afraid it would turn into a rant.
Reply:In a lot of ways Yes, because the Media pretty much sets the 'cultural tone'. Music is just one example. I remember when MTV first came out. I knew it was gonna' have a bad effect on our culture. And it did. Look at the way people started to dress and act. It opened the door for 'the worship and idolization' of so-called' musicians. Including those whose lyrics were inspired by drugs! Don't even get me started on hip hop! My teenage son got hooked on that #@$^%26amp;*! He hasn't worn his pants on his waistline ever since! His pants have drifted so far south, I'm sure they've become 'Leggings!' Good grief I've never seen so many boxers! What ever happened to the good ol' days when you only saw one of those in a boxing ring? Please no offense intended.

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