Thursday, November 19, 2009

Do Social Workers Live up to Their Codes of Ethics?

The sites of the National Association of Social Workers and the International Federation of Social Workers contains a glowing self-description of people of the highest calibre of dedication, humanism, efficiency, understanding, respect for the rights and dignity of those they care for and a high level of education and social awareness.

Do they live up to the Code of Ethics as described in this document?:

Is this the reputation that the Social Workers in your respective countries enjoy among the people who have been in their care?

Have there been exposes in the media of human rights abuses on the part of Social Workers in your countries?

Do Social Workers Live up to Their Codes of Ethics?
i have had experience with these people in 3 states in the U.S. mostly for friends and family,the majority of these people don't give a dam about the truth all they want is to get there reports finished to the satisfaction of there superiors,and there superiors only want what looks good,not whats right for the people they are supposed to be helping.
Reply:i am a social worker. like most professions, we do have our bad apples. many social workers get burned out and do start becoming neglectful of their clients and "hardened" to their problems. also, just like any code of ethics, the nasw code of ethics is very long winded and creates completely unreachable goals by humans.

one thing to remember is that not all social workers belong to nasw. i dont and many others dont because there really is not benefit to belonging. this doesnt mean that we dont follow a code of ethics but we do follow the ethics/conduct codes in place at our respective work environment. to lump all social workers together and ask if they live up to this code of ethics probably is not accurate...many people call themselves "social workers" however to be in nasw, you have to have a master of social work (msw) degree.

i haven't heard much about "human rights" abuses on the parts of social workers (i am in the us). i have heard about people taking advantage of clients for personal gain, etc. however for every foolish social worker that violates a client, there are 100 social workers who dont.
Reply:I can only speak for myself - and yes I do. I take my profession very seriously and the responsibilities that go along with it.

And, I think your tactic of taking examples to the contrary in an attempt to discredit the majority -is deplorable.
Reply:there are good one's and bad one's just like in any profession

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